K-12 School Wellness

Image of a park

Increase Opportunities for Physical Activity

Increase opportunities for students to engage in physical activity.  Regular physical activity helps kids succeed in school.  Being active for 60 minutes a day has been linked to increased concentration and focus, improved classroom behavior, decreased absenteeism, and better academic performance.  A comprehensive school physical activity program is a multi-component approach that utilizes physical education (PE), physical activity during school and physical activity before and after school to help kids achieve the recommended 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity each day.  Quality PE, Joint-use Agreements (JUA) , and active transportation to school (walking and biking) are all great ways to add active minutes to each day.

Get started in developing your customized Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP).

Quality physical education is the foundation for healthy, physically active adults.  To learn more about quality PE programs and how Pennsylvania compares to other states, check out SHAPE America’s 2012 Shape of the Nation Report

Joint-use agreements employ a contract or written agreement between a school and a city or community entity outlining specific terms and conditions for shared use of facility.  JUA are a practical approach for increasing physical activity opportunities, especially for communities with limited parks or open spaces.

ChangeLab Solutions has created resources and publications to help organizations understand and implement shared use.

Active transportation is a great way to maximize physical activity opportunities before and after school.   Get information about walking and biking to school from the National Center for Safe Routes to School and on LiveHealthyPA's Safe Routes to School page.

Additional Resources:

Action for Healthy Kids