What trainings are available for health professionals?
The Health Care Improvement Foundation, in partnership with Thomas Jefferson University and Hospital has implemented trainings to teach health literacy principles.
- Provider Education: Three train-the-trainer modules are offered for health care providers in a one-day training to learn about the importance of health literacy, effective communication techniques and materials development.
- Peer Activation: A patient education program designed to promote communication between health care consumers and their providers. This utilizes the National Patient Safety Foundation’s Ask Me 3, problem solving scenarios and strategies. Trained individuals then conduct patient activation programs in senior centers, senior housing, ESL classes, and other community venues.
How can I be involved?
- Attend one of the provider education trainings.
- Join the PA Health Literacy Coalition – a statewide coalition formed to help determine priorities and direction for health literacy efforts across the state.
Where can I find more information about the trainings and statewide coalition?
CDC Resources