Joint Use Agreements
A Joint Use Agreement (JUA) is a formal agreement established between two separate government entities, often a school and city or county agency, for shared use of property or facilities. Schools, often located close to neighborhoods, have a variety of recreational facilities like gymnasiums, playgrounds, fields, courts and tracks where both children and adults can engage in physical activity and can work with partners to create joint use agreements. City or county parks and recreation departments – as well as some community organizations – have playing fields, gymnasiums, or pools they can make available to schools. Joint use agreements allow organizations to open their facilities to outside organizations and the greater community. By working together to share facilities, schools and communities can achieve multiple benefits.
Joint Use Agreements can:
- Facilitate cost-sharing for maintenance of school grounds and buildings.
- Improve access to places to be physically active for families and individual community members.
- Promote partnerships across community agencies that may influence other opportunities to work together.
- Create a sense of community ownership and engagement.
- Allows children to engage is 60 minutes of physical activity each day.
To learn more about the benefits of Joint Use Agreements, visit:
What is a Joint Use Agreement
Promoting Physical Activity through Joint Use Agreements
Shared Use of School and Community Facilities | Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Model Joint Use Agreement Resources