Walk With Ease
For individuals with arthritis or that have been told they are at risk for developing arthritis, Do you have arthritis, there are tools and resources available to help manage the chronic pain associated with certain types of arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation’s Walk With Ease program has specific strategies for those dealing with arthritis or other chronic health conditions.
Walk With Ease is an evidence-based, six-week course that can be done in a group setting or in a self-directed program. Walkers use a guidebook and will be encouraged to walk three times a week, setting goals and tracking their progress. Providing motivation and helpful tips, the course helps participants establish a safe and effective physical activity routine. Walk With Ease is a great way to start for beginners as well as those who have been dealing with their chronic pain for a longer time.
Besides learning how to manage the stiffness and pain of arthritis, walkers will also learn about proper stretching, strengthening, and tools to stay safe throughout the program. Walk With Ease also addresses typical problems encountered when walking and provides ideas and tips to keep participants motivated.
With support walkers will develop confidence, manage their chronic pain, increase their level of physical activity, and improve their overall fitness and quality of life.
For more information on the Walk With Ease program, please contact:
Arthritis Foundation Walk With Ease
Or to become certified as a Walk With Ease group leader, visit:
Aerobics and Fitness Association of America