What is Safe Routes to School?
Safe Routes to School is a program designed to promote physical activity among school-aged children by encouraging walking and biking to school. Additionally, Safe Routes to School helps to decrease traffic and pollution and increase the health of the entire community.
When implementing a Safe Routes to School program, be sure to implement the 6 E’s:
- Evaluation: Conduct a thorough evaluation of the current situation at the school or district.
- Engineering: The evaluation may reveal key build environmental problems that need to be addressed, such as lack of sidewalks or poorly timed traffic lights.
- Education: Offer educational opportunities to students and parents to teach pedestrian and bicycle safety.
- Encouragement: Host special events to inspire walking and biking to school, such as Walk to School Day.
- Enforcement: Partner with local law enforcement to ensure traffic laws near the school are obeyed. Implement community enforcement via crossing guard programs and student safety patrols.
- Equity: Work to support safe, active, and healthy opportunities for children and adults in underserved communities.
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