K-12 School Wellness

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Implement Quality School Meals Program

Implement a quality school meals program and ensure that students have appealing, healthy choices in foods and beverages offered outside of the school meals program.  The Smart Snacks in School guidelines took effect 7/1/2014 and are intended to build upon the healthier school lunch program requirements of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.  Follow the practical, science-based nutrition standards published by the USDA to ensure that kids are only offered tasty and nutritious foods during the school day.  Use this free Product Calculator from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation to check your snacks for USDA compliance.  Or if your school meal program is already in compliance with the standards, take the next step and use Smarter Lunchrooms research-based principles to encourage kids to make healthier choices.


Additional Information:

Illinois Public Health Institute’s Tip Sheets for Controlling Junk Food and the Bottom Line

 USDA’s Healthier US School Challenge